Human Trafficking Commission Presentation

In June 2019, Cindy Fraga Rizo, Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen, Sandy Martin, and Rebecca Macy presented an overview of the Teach2Reach program to the Human Trafficking Commission. Program structure and protocol, as well as sample objectives, content, and activities were discussed.

Congratulations to Cindy, Hannabeth, Sandy, and Rebecca for a fabulous presentation! We wanted to share a copy of the presentation here as well. If you have any questions about the presentation or program, please feel free to contact any of the three project investigators:

Teach2Reach Presentation for Human Trafficking Commission_27JUN2019

Teach2Reach Awarded Grant, Program Update

In October 2019, the Teach2Reach team was awarded a grant from the North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission (GCC) to support the implementation of the Teach2Reach program and response protocol in Youth Development Centers and Residential Programs across North Carolina. Our team will be training school personnel and staff on sex trafficking and supporting youth, delivering outreach to youth, and providing crisis services and referrals to youth who disclose sex trafficking.  This funding will support the team in their work through 2021. Thank you to the GCC for their support!

Since the award, the team has been busy refining educator and social worker training materials, as well as integrating stakeholder feedback into the curriculum. Understanding that schools have varying needs and capacities, the team is also creating multiple versions of the curriculum. Schools can then choose the version which best fits the needs of their educators and students.